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  • Constitution

Constitution of the World Association of Global Diaspora Studies
※ Note: Constitution written in English refers only to the constitution in Korean.

Article I - General

  • Section 1
  • The name of this Association shall be The World Association of Global Diaspora Studies (hereinafter 'the Association').
  • Section 2
  • Its registered main office shall be in the Republic of Korea and may establish a branch of the Association, if necessary.
  • Section 3
  • The objective of the Association shall be to promote scholarship in Global Diaspora as well as to foster interaction among members.
  • Section 4
  • The activity of the Association shall be to accomplish the object of the Association stipulated below:
    1. Research in the field of Global Diaspora
    2. Publishing of a scholarly journal
    3. Meeting the societal demands for constructive study of Global Diaspora
    4. Promoting of worldwide scholarly exchange for mutual cooperation and understanding
    5. All other activities and amity requisite to the fulfillment of this Association's goal

Article II - Membership

  • Section 5
  • Membership is open to any person who shall support the tenets of the Association and shall submit a membership application.
  • Section 6
  • The membership criteria of the Association are given below:

1. Regular members

  • Regular members of the Association shall specialize in Global Diaspora Studies and must currently hold a teaching position (full-time instructorship or higher) at a college or university (or an equivalent institution of higher education) including retired professor.
  • Regular members of the Association shall be engaged in the public and private institution or research center related to Global Diaspora Studies.
  • Regular members shall have a Master’s Degree in Diaspora Studies or shall work in parliament and media outlets, or shall manage business to contribute to the development of the Association.
  • A regular member may obtain lifetime membership by paying the lifetime membership dues that are established by the Executive Council.

2. Associate member

Associate members of the Association shall be undergraduate or graduate students majoring in Diaspora Studies or relevant fields.

3. Corporate member

Corporate members of the Association shall be the corporations, the organizations, or the institutions that shall endorse the purpose of the Association and join the Association.

4. Special members

  • A person who contributes to the improvement of Diaspora Studies and relevant fields.
  • Its person who makes major contributions for the activities of the Association.
  • A special member may obtain a lifetime membership by paying the lifetime membership dues that are established by the Executive Council.
  • Section 7
  • The Members of the Association shall have a membership by the following procedures.
  • Regular or associate member shall be recommended by two regular members and shall submit an application that needs confirmation by the Executive Council.
  • Corporate member's membership application shall be submitted by the Executive Officer of the entity and needs to be approved by the Executive Council.
  • Special members shall be qualified by the resolution of the Board of Directors and be inducted into the honorary president, adviser, honorary director, etc.
  • Section 8
  • The claims and obligations of the members
  • All members shall be eligible to participate in the General Meeting, to receive journal issues and other publications, and to participate in all activities of the Association.
  • Regular members shall be eligible to vote in elections.
  • Regular members shall be the officers of the Association.
  • Corporate members shall appoint one person who is allowed to attend meetings and have a vote in elections as a regular member.
  • Members shall pay dues according to the decision of the Board of Directors.
  • Section 9
  • Membership of the Association shall be revoked in the following cases
  • Members who die or withdraw their membership from the Association.
  • Members who demonstrate gross delinquency in the payment of their membership dues are determined to expulsion by the Executive Council.
  • Members who conduct contrary conviction to the stated purpose and mission of the Association and/or who blemish the honor and reputation of the Association.
  • However, after becoming a member of the Association, the change of the status of a member shall not affect the membership.

Article III - Officers

  • Section 10
  • 1. There shall be a president, a number of vice-presidents, and two auditors, and appointments for a term of two calendar years and shall serve consecutive way.
    2. The President shall be elected by General Assembly and vice-presidents shall be designated by the President according to the consideration of the regional arrangement among regular members.
  • Section 11
  • The President
  • The President shall serve as the primary representative of the Association and shall oversee all aspects of the Association's operations.
  • The President shall become the chairman of the Board of Directors and Executive Council.
  • The President shall convene and preside over general meetings.
  • The President shall form the board of directors and Executive Council.
  • Any other rights that are customarily granted to the office of the presidency.
  • Section 12
  • The Vice President shall assist and serve as acting President in the absence of the President by the president of delegation and shall maintain seniority.
  • Section 13
  • The Board of Directors shall consist of 50 delegates among the regular members by request of the President and appointments shall be for a term of two calendar years and shall be served consecutively.
  • Section 14
  • The Board of Directors
  • The Board of Directors shall elect special members and, shall nominate and appoint an honorary chairman, advisor, and consultant.
  • The Board of Directors shall decide to the expulsion of a member from the Association.
  • The Board of Directors shall resolve the matters submitted by the General meeting.
  • Section 15
  • The decision of the Board of Directors shall be a majority of total present members.
  • Section 16
  • The Executive Council shall consist of 20 delegates including the President and the Vice-Presidents as a permanent body of the Association.
  • Section 17
  • The Executive Officers shall be appointed by the President from delegates. The President can delegate its authority of general affairs, research, publication, and liaison to the Executive officers.
  • Section 18
  • The Executive Council
  • The Executive Council shall approve the admission of regular, associate, and corporate members.
  • The Executive Council shall resolve the convocation of an extraordinary general meeting.
  • The Executive Council shall resolve the affairs that are established of the authorities of the General Assembly and the Executive Council.
  • The Executive Council shall approve the matters delegated by the Board of Directors.
  • Section 19
  • The decision of the Executive Council shall consist of a majority of total present members.
  • Section 20
  • The auditors shall be elected by the General Assembly, examine the management of the President, the management the Board of Directors, accounts of the Association and shall report the results to the next General Assembly.
  • Section 21
  • The President may appoint a permanent paid secretary to handle the affairs of the Association.

Article IV - Meeting

  • Section 22
  • The meetings of the Association shall consist of a regular general meeting, a special general meeting, a board of directors meeting, and an executive council meeting; the President can organize and operate a subcommittee by necessity.
  • Section 23
  • The regular general meeting shall convene once a year in December, the Special General meeting, the Board of Directors meeting, and the Executive meeting shall be convened by the President.
  • The Special General meeting shall be convened by the President in response to the request of the Executive Council or the request of more than 30 regular members.
  • The President shall inform the purpose and agenda of the general meeting to individual current members with handouts or other relevant ways at least seven days in advance of the meeting date.
  • Section 24
  • The General Assembly
  • The General Assembly shall concern the amendment of the constitution
  • The General Assembly shall concern its rights granted by the Constitution.
  • The General Assembly shall concern the matters submitted by the President, Board of Directors, and Executive Council.
  • The General Assembly shall concern the election of the President and Auditor.
  • The General Assembly shall concern the members' rights and duties.
  • Other authorities generally included to the General Assembly.
  • Section 25
  • The passing of motions shall require the assent of 50 percent of the attending members.

Article V - Asset and Accounting

  • Section 26
  • Funds procured
  • Membership dues and admission fees
  • Contributions
  • Donations
  • Financial returns from various projects
  • The acceptance of contributions and donations shall be decided by the Executive Council.
  • Section 27
  • The assets of the Association
  • Property on the attached list
  • Membership dues and admission fees
  • Defaults arising from the assets
  • Financial returns from various projects
  • Other incomes
  • Section 28
  • The assets of the Association shall consist of assets and ordinary assets, and its contents are as follows.
  • The primary assets shall be in any of the following cases, but it will not be able to provide collateral or disposal. However, it will be able to provide collateral or disposal through the resolution of the General Assembly in the case of being absolutely compelled.
    1) Property designated as the primary asset from raising funds
    2) Property designated as the primary asset by the resolution of the Board of Directors
  • All other property not designated as the primary asset shall be ordinary assets.
  • Section 29
  • The Association's expenses shall be paid with ordinary assets.
  • Section 30
  • The Association's assets shall be managed by the President per policies and procedures that are established by the Board of Directors.
  • Section 31
  • Cash shall be deposited with financial institutions or shall be converted to treasury bills or bonds that are a low risk portfolio.
  • Section 32
  • All or a portion of surplus from the fiscal year result shall be designated as primary asset or forwarded to the next fiscal year.
  • Section 33
  • The President is responsible for the Association's budgeting and its execution.
  • Section 34
  • The Association's fiscal year shall begin on the date of the annual general meeting and end on the day before the next year's annual general meeting.
  • Section 35
  • The Association's budget of revenues and expenditures every year are decided by taking the President's confirmation through the resolutions of the Board of Directors within two months after the commencement of the fiscal year.
  • Section 36
  • The Association's settlement of revenues and expenditures can bring the special account by the resolutions of the Board of Directors, after the President prepares the annual accounts with the list of current property and then submit the report to an auditor within fifteen days after the close of the fiscal year.
  • Section 37
  • All the profit or surplus from the special account should be permanent property or ordinary property.

Article VI - Activity

  • Section 38
  • The Association shall publish a journal once a year. All matters concerning publication shall be decided by the Executive Council.
  • Section 39
  • The Association shall have an annual conference at least once a year. All matters concerning presentation shall be decided by the Executive Council.
  • Section 40
  • The Association shall perform various regular and irregular projects and their details shall be decided by the President, the Executive Council, and the Board of Directors depending on the features. A special committee shall be established under carried out projects by necessity and its bylaws shall be determined by the resolution of the Executive Council.

Article VII - Change and Dissolution of the Constitution

  • Section 41
  • This article shall be changed by the decision of the General Assembly. However, if the Association is reorganized as a corporation aggregate, it must obtain permission from the competent authorities.
  • Section 42
  • The Association shall be dissolved under Civil Code Section 77 and 78. However, in the event of dissolution of the Association, all remaining assets shall be denoted to a professional Association of comparable disposition through the resolution of the General Assembly and permission from the competent authorities.

Supplementary Rules

  • Supplementary 1
  • The Constitution of the Association shall be active from May 29th, 2012.
  • Supplementary 2
  • The office of the Association, despite Section 2 of the Constitution, shall be changed to the inhabited area of the new president elected by the General Assembly.

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